Featuring Frank Peretti, Samuel White, Jan Karon, and more!




CS Lewis
Frank Peretti
Samuel White
Jan Karon
Janette Oke
George MacDonald


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Frank Peretti

Hangman's Curse by Frank Peretti


  • Frank Peretti has made a career of tackling subjects that are out of the main stream of Christian fiction. And, like all trailblazers, he has been followed by many people, but equaled by none.

    To most people, Peretti burst on the scene with his novels "This Present Darkness" and "Piercing theDarkness." With their hyper-realistic portrayals of activity in the spiritual world as it corresponded withthe physical, they set the Christian literature world on fire. And while there were those who disagreed toone extent or another with Peretti's vision of the spiritual realm, the books almost never left a readerambivalent.

    Peretti's next major novel was "Prophet". While reaching the commercial success of the "Darkness"books, it was no less effective in starting a dialog among its readers--this time over the twin subjects ofabortion and spiritual visions.

    Then came "The Oath", a story of how evil manifests itself in a person's life and how that evil spreads,and a new firestorm began. Was it too allegorical? Had Peretti tried so hard for commercial successthat he had sacrificed the hard-hitting Christian truths that had won him the legions of fans? Or, was this,as some have said, the best of the lot?

    Then there was "The Visitation." In this reviewer's opinion, this is the best of all the Peretti books (sofar). A hard-hitting, gripping story about dogmatism, loss of faith, corporate religion, gullibility and truth,"The Visitation" will make any honest reader ask himself just what he actually believes and where hisfaith truly rests.

    Through the years, Peretti has also charmed audiences with his "Cooper Kids Adventure Series" novels. A sort of "Indiana Jones for young teens", the Cooper kids are mystery-solvers and adventurers whosestories adults enjoy reading, too. More than anything else, though, the Cooper kids stories will remindPeretti's adult aficionados just how versatile he is--and that one of the most compelling aspects ofPeretti's writings is that he is, at the most basic level, a very good story-teller.

    Peretti's only non-fiction work (to date) is a troubling book called "The Wounded Spirit". Troublingbecause of the subject matter (pain and the rampant culture of bullying in our society, to name a couplemajor themes). Peretti reminds us, as he does in his fiction, what the healing power of God can do. Tosay one enjoys this book may be inaccurate, as it is not an enjoyable topic. To say people need to readthis book hits it right on the mark.

    Peretti's latest novels are the books in his "The Veritas Project" series. While directed primarily at thehigh school crowd, the books are excellent reading for all ages. Peretti has, again, shown himself willingto look at the spiritual problem(s) behind society's evils.




Books by Frank Peretti

Best Christian Fiction

Hangman's Curse,

Nightmare Academy - Just released

The Visitation - Best Christian Fiction's pick for Peretti's best work!

Order Peretti Books

  • Hangman's Curse

    - from Amazon - $8.99

  • The Visitation

    - from Amazon - $23.99

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